Sign up for Data Structures (2024 Fall)
Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, NCKU
Course No (Attribute Code): CSIE1006
Course System Number:  F7203001

Instructor: Chan, Hui-Ling


Master’s students in CS at NCKU, as well as bachelor’s students who double major, minor, or transfer to CS, please fill out the following form.  
注意: 因修課人數及教室之限制,可加簽人數有上限。優先順序為(1)資訊系、(2)資訊系轉系生、(3)資訊所碩二或以上、(4)資訊所碩一、(5)雙主修/輔修資訊。研究生需提供指導教授同意修課之證明,若已超出名額則以有修過程式設計(一)及(二)者優先,若仍無法比較出優先順序,則以亂數抽籤決定。本階段加簽後若尚有名額會再公告。 
Please note that the number of students who can be added is limited. Priority will be given in the following order: (1)  bachelor’s students in CS , (2) students who transferred to CS, (3) second-year or higher CS graduate students, (4) first-year CS  graduate students, and (5) double majors or minors in CS.Graduate students need to provide proof of their advisor's approval for taking this course. If the enrollment limit is exceeded, preference will be given to those who have completed Programming Languages (I) and (II), followed by random selection. If there are still spots available after this round, another announcement will be made.

登記截止時間: 9/12 (四) 18:00
Deadline: Thursday September 12 18:00

結果公布: 9/13 (五)以E-mail通知,可加簽學生之名單後續將轉交資訊系辦統一進行加簽,毋須再填寫加簽單。9/19(四)上課前會由助教將加簽學生加入Moodle,有問題請洽助教。
Result: You will receive a notification of the results via email by September 13.  For the students selected to sign up, the CS department office will enroll them in this course. An Add/Drop form is not required. TAs will add the selected students to Moodle before the class on Thursday, September 19th. If you have any questions, please contact TAs.

9/23 (一)~9/25(三)統一由系辦加簽至系統內,請自行至選課系統確認加簽結果,有問題請洽系辦趙小姐
Enrollment: The enrollment will be handled by the department office from 9/23 (Mon) to 9/25(Wed.). Please check the system to confirm the results. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Chao at the CS department office.